Alameda County Health Logo

Health Program of Alameda County (HealthPAC)

The Health Program of Alameda County, also known as HealthPAC (and formerly known as CMSP or ACE), is a County program that provides affordable health care to uninsured people living in Alameda County. HealthPAC is not insurance and does not provide everything that insurance does. In order to be eligible for HealthPAC an individual must be an Alameda County resident and be between 0 and 200 percent of the Federal Poverty Level, not be eligible for Medi-Cal, and not be enrolled in private insurance. Services are provided through one of the 9 community-based clinics that are part of the network or through Alameda Health System. In order to enroll, people make an eligibility appointment at one of the clinics or at Health Care Services Agency and bring in identification, proof of residency, and proof of income. Citizenship is not a requirement of the program.

A list of enrollment sites can be found below in the “For Everyone” section under HealthPAC Brochure.

The following documents are provided in Portable Document Format (PDF) and require the free Adobe Reader.

For Everyone:


Participant Handbook

Notice of Privacy Practices

HealthPAC and Public Charge Flyers

The public charge rule only applies to certain immigrant and benefit programs. HealthPAC is NOT part of the public charge rule.

HealthPAC Transition of 19-25 year old members to Medi-Cal

For Providers

HealthPAC Contract Documents and Attachments – For Providers